The first bounty sanghoki winners are in!

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We’ve just put up the bounty leaderboard for this month’s sanghoki Graveyard event, and I honestly never expected this kind of dedication to eliminations!

The current leader is Rafael19, who has racked up a massive total of 189 kills and 111 deaths. Sure, you need to be able to put up with getting eliminated if you want to dedication to succeed in the world of bounty tournaments!

A few people have been surprised by the aggression or apparent “donkey” play being seen in the bounty tournaments, but this is all just a learning curve. Cash games require a different skill set to tournaments, Sit n’ Goes require different skills than MTTs – and Bounty tournaments are an entirely different league entirely.

You’ll find aggression here like never before, but that just means you need to adapt your play! Take a stand and don’t be pushed around – some players excel in bounty tournaments, and this isn’t just referring to finishing in the money. Don;t forget, you win cash for every player you eliminate.

Other notable leaderboard players include huntingfool38 with 143 kills, and Serenity18 with 138. We’ve only been running the graveyard for a short time, so there’s plenty of chance to catch up!

Bounty hunting at Carbon

We’ve had a lot of fun since implementing our Bounty tournaments. I never knew our players had such bloodlust, but apparently poker is a pretty competitive game. Who would have thought?

So, this is where I approach the new Bounty Graveyard promo with extreme caution. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt, and that’s just the way everyone likes it. Not only do players pick up cash prizes for every elimination in our Bounty tournaments, but a tombstone leaderboard in Player Admin will show your scalps for the two weeks until April 15th.

We’ve also put together daily and weekly cash prizes for our top scoring players ($150 per day and $1000 per week), which means potential for winning three times (tournament cash prizes, bounty cash prizes and leaderboard prizes) by knocking out players. If that isn’t enough to create some action at the tables, I don’t know what is!

A repeat performance for our WSOP veteran!

What’s better than playing in a WSOP Main Event? Playing in TWO Main Events! Of course, actually winning one Main Event would be better than only playing in two, but hey, that’s why we’re sending so many players to Las Vegas in 2008!

Our hearty player sliekas has just won a 2008 seat, and in an impressive repeat performance, he sat down at the 2006 Main Event after qualifying with one of our Grand Final satellites!

We remember his run at the last WSOP well. He qualified via a $5 satellite, and won his way through the ranks to a seat in the biggest tournament in poker history. The first-place prize was eventually won by Jamie Gold, but sliekas made an impressive performance. His most memorable moment was this impressive pot:

— Blinds 100/200 Ante 2

Middle position player limped, sliekas in the small blind raises to 1000 with AQ.

Big blind folds, middle position calls.

Flop – 4 Q Q, giving sliekas a set of Queens with an Ace kicker. He bets 1000, and is raised to 4000. Putting his opponent on KQ or QJ, sliekas moves all in and is insta-called.

His opponent shows 44 for a flopped full house. Fortunately, an Ace comes on the turn giving our hero a better full house and the pot!


After that impressive win, sliekas hit a bit of a wall and lost almost half his stack, and came into Day 2 shortstacked. On his final hand, he picked up pocket sevens and moved all in. He was called by an opponent holding AK, who flopped a King and eliminated sliekas.

Well, there’s always another World Series, and sliekas has once again qualified to sit among the best in the world in Las Vegas. We wish him all the luck in the world for another shot at the title!


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